Error 678 - There is no answer
  1. Go into my computer > dial up networking > double click connection icon - check telephone number.
  2. If the telephone number is not correct the click on cancel > right click on connection icon > goto properties > put correct telephone details in boxes provided.
  3. NOTE: Customer must have a copy of the Operating system to do the following actions
  4. Removal of network components.
  5. Check network settings in my computer > control panel > networks - check correct components are installed.
  6. If the correct components are installed they may be corrupt > do the following.
  7. Remove these components > restart computer.
  8. Now go into my computer > control panel > networks > install components - Dial up adapter - TCP/IP
  9. Click on OK > Restart computer - ask customer to connect again.
  10. Removing Dial up networking
  11. Go into my computer > control panel > add/remove programs > windows setup > communications
  12. Take tick out of dial up networking > click on OK > click on OK > message will come up to restart computer. Restart computer.
  13. Once restarted go back into my computer > control panel > add/remove programs > windows setup > communications.
  14. Put tick in dial up networking > click on OK > click on OK> message will come up to restart computer. Restart computer and ask customer to try and connect again.
  15. Still getting 678 - go into my computer > dial up networking > remove connection icon > create a new connection icon.